My services

Design a new business model

Important paradigm shifts are now affecting the cultural sector: the stagnant state of public funds, ongoing socio-political changes and digitalization are leading us to re-examine the functioning and mission of cultural organizations. How can they help to optimize their own resources? How will they position themselves in the face of increasingly complex requirements from public authorities and partners, particularly in the development of audiences and cultural participation? How can they reorganize their business model in order to respond appropriately to new societal challenges? Many business models can inspire cultural organizations…


Design your strategy

Defining a strategy means establishing an action plan, based on your artistic and cultural values, in order to achieve the defined objectives in the short, medium and long term.

A clear strategy is an essential working tool: within your organisation, it clarifies objectives and allows you to allocate your resources in a transparent way. Externally, the strategy reflects your ambition and facilitates communication with your various stakeholders (artists, public, public authorities, patrons, sponsors, etc.)

Method used :

  • Identification of the current situation
  • Analysis and criticism; strengths and weaknesses;
  • Analysis of the context and in particular of inputs; risks and threats;
  • Design of strategic areas in line with the situation;

Design an efficient and innovative cultural policy

Cultural policies make it possible to develop a cultural dynamic in a given territory. Despite the fact that culture is growing on the basis of private initiatives in Switzerland, public authorities have the task of describing objectives, expected effects and impacts on the basis of transparent and measurable indicators.

Our method is the following :

  • Identification of the current cultural programme ;
  • Analysis according to different criteria (production method, different art discipline, Price policies, outreach, annual calendar of events, costs, self-financing, cultural éducation and community, socio-professional criteria, governance, etc.);
  • Identification of strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities ;
  • Identification of external factors acting or about to act on the cultural offer;
  • Development of strategic areas in line with the political vision ;
  • Definition of indicators and target values;
  • Communication of the new strategy .

Assess your activities

The assessment of cultural policies as a whole or of a sectoral policy should be part of a regular quality process instituted by funders, be they private (foundations) or public. Indeed, the regular assessment of cultural policies is an excellent opportunity to:

  • cultivate a constructive dialogue between fund recipients and donors;
  • verify the effectiveness of the support instruments put in place;
  • analyse the efficiency of public funds allocated
  • control their effects and impacts.

Supporting your teams through facilitation

Having carried out a number of mandates based on the traditional model (situation analysis, empirical interviews, then drafting of recommendations), for some years now I have preferred to support organisations in a collaborative process that draws on the collective intelligence of teams: facilitation. It’s a way of addressing complex issues, defining strategies or simply setting objectives by drawing on the collective intelligence of teams. What are the benefits? Facilitation gives the teams themselves the opportunity to find a solution that suits them, rather than imposing a “top down” solution, often decided solely by the leaders. Thanks to facilitation, all stakeholders are involved, team spirit is strengthened and employees can decide together on their future and their projects.

Teaching and Talks

  • Cultural policy / cultural policy in Switzerland
  • New Business models in the Art Sector