
Back from Colombia : behind-the-scenes insight

Oeuvre dans l’exposition de Kader Attia, MAMBO, Bogota. 24 octobre 2024 – 9 février 2025

These weeks in Colombia have worked to bring about this necessary decentring for me. Everywhere there was this immense imbalance between the before and after of colonisation, and my viewpoint was just as steeped in moralising prejudices. In short, my ‘place’ as a well-to-do European wanderer in this country was constantly being thrown into the abyss.

Countless slaps in the face, countless ways of deconstructing prejudices and quietly trying to transform myself into a ‘simple’ observer: just listening when I see ancestral practices in the Amazon that we would disapprove of, and observing how these practices fit into the wider system. Fragile resistance in the face of major global transformations.

And when in Bogotá, at Mambo, I discover mediation systems that encourage connection and the strengthening of intuition, I think of ‘our’ Swiss history of mediation. Between 2009 and 2012, Pro Helvetia’s ‘cultural mediation’ programme was instrumental in sparking a nationwide debate on the relationship with audiences, so as to demonstrate the effects and ‘impact’ of the public funds invested in culture. I therefore see this as a welcome reorientation of cultural policies, after decades of focusing on developing the ‘cultural offer’.

Education and skills

In the early days, most initiatives focused on cognitive issues (learning, understanding); mediation, for short, was at the service of education and training. Since then, the initiatives have happily diversified, aiming to broaden the range of skills, from knowing how to do things to knowing how to be. You only have to look at the evolution of the skills identified by the WEF[1] to see that a profound transformation is underway. While analytical thinking remains No. 1, resilience, flexibility and agility are No. 2, followed by creative thinking, motivation and self-awareness. But how do you cultivate these skills?

This is where I was struck by the boldness of the mediation programme at MAMBO, the Museum of Modern Art in Bogotá, which offers schemes to encourage connection and self-esteem, in particular by strengthening our intuition.


The TAROT educational project aims to familiarise participants with this ancient game, exploring our intuition by playing and drawing tarot cards. ‘With this device, you can familiarise yourself with an esoteric experience by connecting to your inner sensitivity, explore your destiny or that of others, or learn about spirituality, vitality, power and desire’ (Deepl), a whole range of skills fundamental to self-awareness, empathy and active listening (7th place on the WEF list).


Kader Attia, ReparaRenacer

The aim of Kader Attia’s exhibition ‘Repararenacer’ (repair / rebirth) is to work on historical reconciliation: ‘What are the historical wounds on a political, social or cultural level? How can we collectively repair our historical and cultural wounds? How do we live with colonisation today? In a continent where reflections on decolonisation are only just beginning, mediation and, more broadly, the attitudes of certain institutions are part of the slow, delicate weaving of new links with pre-colonial history.

At Bogotá’s National Museum, whose museography has adapted to new critical approaches to the country’s dominant history, director Liliana Angulo invites us to reflect on the restorative role of museums for ethnic peoples (pueblos etnicos) (see the article in El Espectador, 7.1.25).

So, of course, the question arises for Europe, and of course for Switzerland: do we have ‘our’ historical or cultural wounds? If so, what are they? This theme of reparation is also dear to us at the Foundation for Initiatives of Change, particularly through the Trustbuilding Program project, given that over several decades the Foundation has developed unique expertise in this field, inviting other approaches to cultural mediation.

Art education and connection

Discovering mediation tools that give free rein to intuition, intimacy and our inner and spiritual lives, which pre-Hispanic cultures are imbued with, opens the way to a mediation that is necessarily diverse and fertile, resonating constructively with possible societal failings; it would encourage the need to renew social ties, explore emotions, the need for sensory experiences in relation to the virtualisation of our relationships, etc. In short, isn’t mediation a way of adding sensitive strings to our bow to live and survive in a VUCA society? In short, isn’t mediation a way of adding sensitive strings to our bow in order to live and survive in a VUCA society? And reclaim a domain often monopolised by an assortment of offerings of often dubious value?

#arteducation #prohelveti #participationculturelle #arteafrodescendiente #mambobogota #reliance #connection

[1] The Future of jobs Report, WEF, 2025, consulté le 8 février 2025.

Lessons learned in 2023


Lydia Pape, Palazzo Grassi, 2023 – I loved the fragile beauty of this work made of woven gold threads. Each perspective opens up new vistas

Jobs, jobs, jobs…

After leaving the culture Department of the State of Valais, at the end of October 2022, I gave myself what I had missed too much in recent years, TIME : first of all, meet my family and friends, necessarily left behind with a 150% job, travel to immerse myself in artistic news, take stock of what worked and what did not work, what I want and what I no longer want to do. In this context, the basic course of the U-School for Transformation was a discovery that I can only highly recommend. Then opened up to me a network of acquaintances around the world (long live the online sessions!) and skills, stimulating and invigorating.

⇒ As fascinating and addictive as a job may be, it is only one facet of our daily life, which disappears when we change jobs.

⇒ Family, friends and professional networks are invaluable resources, able to gently and firmly send you back our strengths and vulnerabilities. Pride often prevents us from asking for these feed-backs. Too bad!

⇒ When life offers you the opportunity to take time, forgotten interests and convictions emerge again. Like a deregulated pendulum that suddenly regains its center of gravity.

The sustainability of intangible heritage

During my trip to Guatemala this January, by visiting craft cooperatives of all kinds (weaving, cocoa, etc.) I understood the relevance, or even the need to weave links between intangible or material heritage, and the creative economy in order to keep these practices alive, to challenge them in the light of current needs. How to encourage social innovation projects, allowing the communities concerned to reflect on what is “heritage” and “authentic”, in an increasingly globalized context? How to articulate these ancestral practices and knowledge with current challenges in terms of sustainability and ecological transitions? What quality standards should be inserted? Many NGOs work in this field. The UNESCO website is also full of exciting resources on this subject. I am excited to explore whether opportunities could  be deployed in Switzerland…

Cultural management

Several mandates have allowed me to accompany teams in the field of cultural management and, above all, to immerse myself in new themes:

  • Design with a wonderful team of passionate personalities the new MAS in cultural management of continuing education from the University of Lausanne and Geneva and take responsibility for the CAS in cultural policies;

  • Teach cultural policies in this new CAS and in the CAS in cultural mediation of the HETSL

  • Support a public organization in setting up regional funding for culture;

  • Accompany several organizations in cultural management issues (target audiences, services, governance, etc.)

  • Start to accompany people on their professional path;

  • Teach new business models at continuing education the ZHAW and at University of Basel;

⇒ What do I learn from these latest teachings? The most productive “insights” happen when zooming out is set up. Whether they are new models or existing organizations, challenging the cognitive bias of confirmation is decisive! I love to choose funny and constructive techniques from design to accompany this process so that awareness is smooth!

Mental health, a new challenge for arts and culture?

In December 2023, I discovered at the MAAT in LISBON the Roadmap for mental health. At the same time, I became aware that mental health is one of the major challenges to come: according to a recent Harvard study, published at the end of July 2023, one in two people will develop mental disorders at least once in their lives, and the WHO is of course actively involved in this field. In the field of art, many initiatives are being implemented in Europe, often integrated into reflections on inclusiveness. They make it possible to deploy physical, architectural, or educational measures to encourage the audiences concerned to find refuge and healing within cultural organizations. Thank you to ensa for its effective training as a mental health rescuer and I look forward to continuing by following the instructor training and thus also contribute to raising awareness among Swiss cultural circles in this field.

Last but Not least: From February 2024, I am immensely looking forward to taking up a new professional challenge! Stay tuned!

I hope sharing these insights might help !

Happy New Year to all of you

Les défis actuels des politiques culturelles. Quelques réflexions en temps de crise.

Je saisis cette occasion pour partager avec vous en ces temps singuliers quatre idées suscitées par cette situation, d’autres venant de mon voyage sabbatique en Asie et Australie ainsi que de mes lectures et observations. Ce ne sont en l’état que des  impressions encore peu conceptualisées que  je me réjouis de discuter avec vous. Pour illustrer cela, quoi de mieux que cette image de l’installation superbe de Pauline Curnier Jardin, à l’Arsenal, au cours de la Biennale 2017.

Pauline Curnier Jardin, Biennale de Venise 2017

  • Je suis persuadée que l’économie solidaire, sociale, du partage sera une source d’inspiration et de soutien important pour la culture au cours des prochaines décennies. Concrètement, cela implique des ressources hybrides (ressources marchandes, redistribution, contributions volontaires, troc et échanges), la non lucrativité, une gouvernance démocratique, une gestion responsable, des écarts de salaires limités, égalité professionnelle entre hommes et femmes, le développement durable et la coopération plutôt que la compétition. Autres conditions possibles d’une économie solidaire : une interventions sur des territoires délaissés, une participation et une pratique amateur accessible à tous, une attention accordée à la diversité (générations, communautés, genres, territoires), une gouvernance démocratique, où la diversité des points de vue est représentée, emplois partagés, logiques de solidarité, de réciprocité, de mutualisation de matériel, de compétences, initiatives citoyennes et des processus de co-construction. Autant de paramètres qu’il ne tient qu’à nous d’intégrer ou d’implémenter au fur et à mesure.
  • En Australie et à Singapour en particulier, j’ai découvert l’attention extrêmement importante accordée aux communautés culturelles “Community Art” (comme cela se pratique aussi dans d’autres pays anglophones) , donc des pratiques participatives dans différentes formes artistiques pensées et réalisées par différentes communautés, parfois seules, parfois avec des artistes professionnels. En étudiant les rapports d’activités et les bilans des grandes compagnies de  théâtre et en observant leurs programmes, j’ai réalisé qu’il y avait deux “univers” : le ticketing et et les projets communautaire gratuits répartis pratiquement à 50 % des ressources. Le premier impliquait des projets que nous voyons sur nos scènes, des productions subventionnées, avec des artistes confirmés, parfois des “stars”, ce qui permet de proposer des tarifs relativement élevés. Le reste est consacré aux projets communautaires avec des artistes professionnels évidemment. Bien que je doute de la pertinence de cette césure entre “ticketing” et gratuité, j’ai été touchée – en y assistant ou participant – à l’énergie et à la beauté de ces activités dédiées aux communautés ainsi qu’à leur véritable rôle de médiation “à double sens” : tous apprennent les uns des autres.
  • La crise du Coronavirus ainsi que le bouleversement apporté par le débat sur le climat vont transformer notre rapport à la diffusion et plus largement aux collaborations internationales. Il s’avère que nous ne pourrons plus ainsi envoyer à tout va des artistes sillonner le monde d’un festival à l’autre, d’une résidence à l’autre. Cela affectera nos festivals ainsi que nos artistes. A nous d’inventer aujourd’hui une politique d’échange et de diffusion fondée sur de nouvelles relations : je vois ici l’opportunité de revenir à un ancrage plus local, mais aussi de développer des projets de collaborations internationales fondés sur une véritable intégration longue durée dans un territoire donné. On peut aisément imaginer les transformations que cela impliquera sur l’offre festivalière et culturelle mais le jeu en vaut la chandelle.
  • Last but not least, le thème qui noue en gerbe ces trois réflexions est la fragilité socio-professionnelle de plus en plus frappante du milieu culturel. Au cours des dernières décennies, avec l’augmentation des subventions publics et le soutien du secteur privé, nous avons massivement développé l’offre culturelle, et contribué ainsi à une fragmentation des contrats de travail. Comme le coronavirus dont l’effet est décalé, nous allons dans les prochains temps mesurer les effets de ces politiques en observant les ressources dont bénéficient les artistes, les actrices et acteurs culturels à la retraite. Il est fort à parier que les politiques culturelles devront alors s’appuyer sur les politiques sociales.